The internet is an ever-changing place, and keeping your company’s website current with the latest design trends and assuring platform accessibility is a key part of regular upkeep. However, accessibility is more than simply updating your website to run on tablets and smartphones. Your website must also be ADA compliant.

White aluminum keyboard

All technology, including websites, must grant barrier-free access to people with disabilities.

  • 1 out of 5 persons has a disability
  • Website accessibility lawsuits have increased over 300% since 2013.
  • Settlements and legal fees can cost defendants six figures.
  • Expand your audience and attract new users.

WCAG 2.0 Conformance Levels

Web Content Accessibility Guidelines. The WCAG 2.1 guidelines have a three-tiered grading system:

Level A


The most basic web accessibility features. Sets a minimum level of accessibility, but does not generally achieve broad accessibility for many situations.

Level AA


Deals with the biggest and most common barriers for disabled users.

Level AAA


Meets all the criteria of Levels A and AA and beyond. The highest level of web accessibility. Site is considered optimally accessible.

Our Process

  1. Review your site
  2. Produce recommendations
  3. Make changes and gather feedback 
  4. Present changes
  5. Go live

WebTech has helped companies both large and small with their website needs. Contact us today to learn more about the services we offer and how we can help improve your company’s online presence.